Metro News
Metro To Distribute Free Masks This Week At Its Two Busiest Transit Centers
October 19, 2020
Customers at Government Square and Northside Transit Center to get a free reusable mask to wear on the bus
CINCINNATI – Metro will once again distribute masks free to any customer who needs one at the following times this week:
•Wednesday, Oct. 21: 3:30to 5:00 p.m. on Government Square
•Thursday, Oct. 22: 2:00to 3:30 p.m. at the new Northside Transit Center
Each customer will receive a reusable mask featuring Metro’s logo as a reminder of the importance of wearing a mask while riding to protect all passengers during COVID-19.
All Metro operators and customers (with the exception of children under the age of two) are required to wear a facial covering on board Metro buses in accordance with state public health orders.
“It’s important that we each do our part to protect ourselves and each other from COVID-19,” said Metro Vice President of External Affairs Brandy Jones. “Wearing a mask or facial covering is one of the most effective ways we can do that while riding. By following public health guidelines, we can ensure that public transit is safe to ride.”
In addition to wearing a mask or other facial covering (over the nose and mouth) while riding, Metro asks customers to observe the following:
•Pay fare using Transit app with EZFare for contactless payment. (Cash fare still accepted.)
•Stand behind the plexiglass barrier at the fare box.
•Spread out as much as possible on board.
•Observe CDC safety guidelines including using hand sanitizer, washing hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, and covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
Here’s how Metro is keeping riders safe:
•Conducting rigorous daily cleaning of all buses.
•Applying a chlorinated, sanitizing disinfectant that kills the coronavirus to all buses, including poles, stanchions and seats, and all facilities, including Government Square.
•Using an electrostatic sprayer which helps the disinfectant stick to surfaces.
•Employing plexiglass barriers on all buses as an added layer of protection between customers and operators at the fare box.
Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, providing about 13.5 million rides per year.