Metro News

Metro Fall Service Changes Coming October 4

September 28, 2020

Metro’s fall service changes will go into effect Sunday, October 4, 2020.
CINCINNATI – Metro’s fall service changes will go into effect Sunday, October 4, 2020. The following routes will have minor running time adjustments and route modifications that reflect the implementation of the final phase of Metro’s FAStops project, which aimed to shorten trip times by balancing bus stop locations:

Rt. 3X Montgomery Rd.
Rt. 11 Madison Rd./Erie Ave.
Rt. 14X Forest Park Express
Rt. 15X Daly Express/Mt. Healthy Express
Rt. 16 Mt. Healthy
Rt. 17 Seven Hills/Mt. Healthy/Mt. Airy/Northgate
Rt. 19 Colerain Ave.-Northgate
Rt. 20 Winton-Tri-County
Rt. 23X Tri-County Express/Rt. 23 Job Connection
Rt. 24 Anderson-Uptown
Rt. 25X Mt. Lookout Express
Rt. 28 East End-Madisonville
Rt. 29X Milford Express
Rt. 30X Beechmont Express
Rt. 41 Glenway Crossing-Oakley Crosstown
Rt. 51 Glenway Crossing-Hyde Park Crosstown
Rt. 52X Harrison Express
Rt. 67 Sharonville Job Connection
Rt. 72 Kings Island Direct (changing to weekend service only)
Rt. 74X Northgate Express/via Banning
Rt. 75X Anderson Express
Rt. 77X Delhi Express
Rt. 78 Springdale-Vine/Lincoln Heights
Rt. 81X Mt. Washington Express

Rt. 78 Springdale-Vine/Lincoln Heights
The Rt. 78 Springdale-Vine/Lincoln Heights will have routing changes due to the reopening of the Shepherd Lane Bridge in Lockland.

New Northside Transit Center Opening
The Rts. 15X, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 27 and 51 will have additional routing changes as they will now serve the new Northside Transit Center, which opens on Wednesday, October 7.

The new transit center features eight boarding bays and shelters, a park and ride, real-time signage and other customer amenities. Learn more here.

For complete schedule information, visit Download Transit with EZFare to plan your trip, pay your fare and track your bus in real-time from the convenience of your smart phone. Sign up for Cincy EZAlerts for detour and service alerts tailored to the routes you ride.

Printed schedules may be picked up at the Sales Office in the Mercantile Building, 120 E. Fourth St., across from Government Square, weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information, call Metro’s Customer Care Center at 513-621-4455, weekdays, 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, providing about 13.5 million rides per year.