Metro News

Metro Developing New, On-Demand Service To Provide Transit Connections To Underserved Communities

February 16, 2022

Metro is excited to announce it is developing new, on-demand service to provide transit access to areas of the community that are currently underserved by public transportation.
CINCINNATI – Metro is excited to announce it is developing new, on-demand service to provide transit access to areas of the community that are currently underserved by public transportation. As part of that process, we are seeking input from the public.

Mobility On-Demand will extend Metro’s existing network of fixed bus routes and predetermined destinations by providing a more nimble, flexible option that aims to cater more closely to customers’ individual needs. The goal is to provide connectivity and access to public transportation where Metro’s fixed-route service is limited or not feasible due to population density or vehicle size limitations.

“As we continue to extend access to transit throughout Southwest Ohio, on-demand service is consistently an amenity that riders request,” said CEO and General Manager Darryl Haley. “Mobility On-Demand will be the latest way we are reinventing how public transportation serves our community.”

How will Mobility On-Demand work?

Metro is exploring three potential models for this new, on-demand service:

– Flex route: The transit vehicle maintains a schedule along with a series of defined bus stops and serves off-route locations within the zone upon advance request.

Point-to-point: Similar to rideshare services like Uber or Lyft, the transit vehicle provides curb-to-curb service for pick-up and drop-off locations within the defined zone through advance request via phone call or mobile app.

First/Last-mile Connector: Provides connections to/from the existing fixed-route network with point-to-point service within a zone connecting at a hub or transit center.

Metro is working to identify up to six preliminary zones throughout Hamilton County in which to pilot Mobility On-Demand service. In Fall 2021, we conducted an online survey where respondents could indicate where they would benefit from on-demand transit service in order to identify the zones. Through an upcoming series of public meetings scheduled for later this month, planners will further refine those zones and select which model is best suited for that area’s needs.

Seeking public input

In-person, open-house meetings are scheduled for the week of Feb. 21, as follows:

Monday, Feb. 21

10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
College Hill Library
1400 W. North Bend Rd.
Located on Rt. 17 Mt. Airy

6 – 8 p.m.
Blue Ash Library
4911 Cooper Rd.
Located on Rt. 3/3X Montgomery Jobs Connection

Tuesday, Feb. 22

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Avondale Library
3566 Reading Rd.
Located on Rt. 43 Reading-Lockland or Rt. 90 MetroPlus

4 – 7 p.m.
SORTA Board Room
525 Vine St., 23rd Floor
Accessible from all routes serving Downtown/Government Square

Thursday, Feb. 24

10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
St. Bernard Library
10 McClelland Ave.
Located on Rt. 78 Lincoln Heights/Springdale-Vine

11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and 6 – 8 p.m.
North Central Library
11109 Hamilton Ave.
Located on Rt. 17 Seven Hills

Friday, Feb. 25

11 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 5 – 7 p.m.
Forest Park Senior Center
11555 Winton Rd.
Located on Rt. 20 Winton-Tri-County

Noon – 2 p.m.
Groesbeck Library
2994 Galbraith Rd.
Located on Rt. 19 Colerain Ave.-Northgate