Metro News
“Going Green” Is More Than A Motto At Metro
April 21, 2020

Every day is Earth Day at Metro.
Although there may be fewer buses on the road due to COVID-19, Metro’s commitment to environmental sustainability remains as strong as ever.
Nationally, public transportation reduces the number of cars on the road and saves 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline, while reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 37 million metrics annually. One person switching to public transit can reduce daily carbon emissions by more than 4,800 pounds a year.
Here are a few additional ways we’re reducing our environmental footprint:
•Operating 27 hybrid buses, which help reduce emission by more than 90%.
•Installed LED lights on Government Square and Metro’s operating facilities.
•Recycled more than 45 tons of scrap metal,producing $14K in revenue.
•Purchased a cardboard baler with help from Ohio EPA grant to reduce waste and generate nearly $1,200 annually from cardboard recycling.
•Implemented a comprehensive recycling program that has reduced trash pick-up costs by 51% and helped save almost $10K annually.
•Diverted nearly 80,000 pounds of waste from landfills (the weight of three buses).
•Developed internal sustainability committee to promote and implement environmental practices among employees.
•Uses rainwater to wash buses, burns waste oil to heat garages, and recycles engine fluids such as refrigerant, coolant and transmission fluids.
“As a transit system that moves nearly 50,000 people a day all over our region, it’s critical that we make smart decisions on how to lesson our footprint on the environment, whether it’s on the road or in our facilities,” said Darryl Haley, Metro CEO & General Manager. “We only have one Earth and it’s important to our employees and customers alike that we do what we can to protect it.”
Metro’s sustainability efforts have been celebrated both locally and nationally, including achieving bronze level recognition in sustainability commitment from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Achievement Level recognition from the Ohio EPA, the 2016 Recycling at Work Program of the Year award from Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District, and the 2012 Cincinnati Earth Day Environmental Award.
Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, providing about 15 million rides per year.