Metro News

Cincinnati Metro Celebrates Safety & Excellence With Virtual Awards Ceremony

July 16, 2020
Metro's safety and employees of the year awards

Two operators achieve 25 years of accident-free driving; Cedric The Entertainer delivers special video message
CINCINNATI – More than 100 operators and maintenance employees were recognized Thursday during Cincinnati Metro’s 47th Annual Safety and Employees of the Year Awards celebration, which was held virtually on Facebook on July 16 due to COVID-19 precautions.

Milestone awards were bestowed upon employees who achieved between five and 25 years without a preventable accident or injury. A preventable accident is one in which the operator did not exercise every available precautionary measure to avoid the accident.

Cincinnati Metro also recognized its Employees of the Year, operators Sherry Felton-Stonestreet and Harry Fowler and maintenance employees Brandon George and David Thiem, whose accomplishments included achieving exemplary attendance and on-time performance along with no customer service complaints, written disciplinary warnings or preventable accidents.

The virtual awards celebration included a message from special guest Cedric The Entertainer.

“We have outstanding employees here at Metro, as demonstrated by the incredible milestones achieved by more than 100 of our team members this past year,” said Darryl Haley, Cincinnati Metro CEO & General Manager. “While we couldn’t celebrate in person this year, we didn’t want to miss this opportunity to recognize the dedication to safety and excellence displayed by this year’s honorees.”

“It’s their hard work and commitment to providing superior service that allows our customers and community to have the confidence to allow us to serve them every day,” added Haley.

Among those being honored, 26 employees were recognized for achieving 10 consecutive years without a preventable accident or injury, 17 employees were commended for 15 or more years, and two operators, Maurice Kimble and Lonnie Scroggins, were honored for achieving 25 years without an accident or injury.

The employees recognized exhibit Cincinnati Metro’s commitment to safety, a commitment that saw the company make big strides in 2019. Over the course of the year, Cincinnati Metro reduced overall accidents by nearly 20 percent.

Cincinnati Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, providing about 13.5 million rides per year.