Metro Ramping Up Paratransit, On-Demand Operator Recruitment With Series Of Career Fairs
Access operators provide on-demand, ride-share service for people whose disabilities prevent them from using Metro’s fixed-route service. MetroNow! will provide on-demand ride-share service within MetroNow!’s two pilot zones.
Service Upgrades, New And Improved Bus Stop Benches Coming To Metro In March
Thirty-seven new bus stop benches have been installed across Hamilton County over the last month, and 12 routes will see schedule and run-time adjustments on Sunday, March 5, 2023.
Metro Reaches 1 Million+ Monthly Rides For First Time Since Covid Pandemic Began
Metro provided more than 1 million trips in the month of January, marking the first time the transit agency has reached the ridership milestone since early 2020.
Metro To Operate Regular Weekday Schedules On President’S Day As Part Of Boosted Holiday Service
All Metro fixed-route and Access paratransit service will operate regular weekday schedules on President’s Day, Monday, Feb. 20th, as part of the agency’s new and more robust holiday service.
Metro Boosts Partnership With Transit Union With New Director Of Labor Relations
In the role, Mr. James Hubbard will play a critical part in facilitating and maintaining Metro’s relationship with its union employees and the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 627 chapter.
Metro Hosting Workshops For Public Input On New Bus Rapid Transit Service
The purpose of the workshops is to garner input from the public on various components of BRT implementation including station locations, station features, connections, and transit-oriented development (TOD) opportunities.
Metro Joins Transit Agencies, State & Local Leaders To Celebrate Ohio Loves Transit Week
From Feb. 5 through Feb. 11, Metro will celebrate our elected officials and stakeholders as well as our communities and riders during Ohio Loves Transit Week.
Odot, Ohio Epa Award Metro $1.9 Million Grant For New, Clean-Diesel Buses
The four new, clean-diesel vehicles will assist Metro’s ongoing plan to revitalize its fleet with newer, more fuel-efficient vehicles that work to lower their engines’ overall carbon footprint.
Sorta Board Elects 2023 Leadership & Welcomes New Trustee
Kreg Keesee and Alyson Beridon were re-elected as the SORTA Board of Trustees’ chair and vice chair, respectively. The Board also welcomed new member, Dan Driehaus.
Metro, Access Suspend Fare Collection During Hamilton County Snow Emergency
Metro and Access paratransit will continue service through inclement winter weather, but customers should be prepared for possible detours and/or delays in service.