Metro News

Applications Open for Fourth Round of Metro Transit Infrastructure Funds

March 5, 2024
MTIF 2024 check group poses with

Grants will be available for transit-related infrastructure improvements in Hamilton County.

CINCINNATI – Metro is currently accepting applications for the fourth cycle of the Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund (MTIF). These grants aim to support various transit-related improvements, including road, bridge, and sidewalk enhancements within ¾ mile of Metro’s service area in Hamilton County.

In last year’s round of grants, $27.8 million in funding was awarded to 29 projects spread across 20 municipalities in Hamilton County. Since 2021, through MTIF grants, Metro has awarded $294 million in funds to 97 projects across the county, including $205 million awarded to the Western Hills Viaduct.

“It’s amazing to see the impact this program has made in just a few years,” said Darryl Haley, CEO and General Manager of Metro. “Several crucial projects have been completed or are currently underway, immediately enhancing the quality of life and improving connectivity for our residents.”

Metro started accepting applications on March 4, 2024. The deadline for submitting applications will be 2 p.m. EST. May 31, 2024.

“Every year, we receive an extremely competitive application pool,” said Khaled Shammout, Chief Strategic Planning, Development & Innovation Officer of Metro. “Representatives of these municipalities do a tremendous job submitting projects that will have a profound and positive impact within their community and across the region.”

The Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund was established when Hamilton County voters in 2020 approved Issue 7, which allocated 25% of Metro’s .8% county sales tax proceeds to be used for transit-related infrastructure improvements within Metro’s service area throughout the county.

Read more about the MTIF, find application and eligibility materials and see past recipients at