Metro News

22 Hamilton County Communities To Receive Sorta Transit Infrastructure Funding

October 22, 2021

Thirty transit-related infrastructure projects in 22 communities throughout Hamilton County will receive funding from SORTA’s Transit Infrastructure Fund.
CINCINNATI – Thirty transit-related infrastructure projects in 22 communities throughout Hamilton County will receive funding from SORTA’s Transit Infrastructure Fund.

The Transit Infrastructure Fund was created as a result of the successful passage of Issue 7 in May 2020. The levy authorizes 25% of the 0.8% SORTA receives from the Hamilton County Sales Tax revenue to be used for transit-related infrastructure improvements within Metro’s service area in Hamilton County.

Today, the Integrating Committee approved the projects, which was the final step in the process following unanimous approval from the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority Board during its September board meeting.

“The Transit Infrastructure Fund is a key piece of the overall plan to improve mobility in the region and the awarding of these funds is another victory for the citizens of Hamilton County,” said Metro CEO & General Manager Darryl Haley. “Reinventing Metro will improve transit service, and the Transit Infrastructure Fund will assist riders and non-riders by providing the funding needed to maintain our streets, bridges and sidewalks.”

The fund is expected to collect approximately $30 million annually.

Notably among the 30 projects is funding for the Western Hills Viaduct, which will receive $205 million from the fund over the next 25 years. Other projects across Hamilton County include:

Sycamore Township: Reconstructing ADA-compliant sidewalks on Montgomery Road and improving pedestrian connectivity and access to Metro bus stops
Springfield Township: Reconstruction of Simpson Avenue
Lincoln Heights: Reconstruction of Leggett and Wabash streets, including making pedestrian-related improvements near Metro’s Rt. 78
Green Hills: Improvements to the Green Hills Park & Ride with increased ADA access to Metro’s Rt. 14X
Sharonville: Addition of a center turn lane and sidewalk on Hauck Road, as well as improved pedestrian and vehicular safety within the job hub
City of Cincinnati: Improvements to Paxton Avenue (Wasson to Marburg), including rehabilitating road pavement, sidewalks and curb ramps; also includes safety improvements by reducing four lanes to three to provide a center left-turn lane to reduce rear-end and angle crashes
Colerain Township: Addition of four bus pull-offs along Colerain Avenue to reduce bus congestion on the busy street, while offering shelters, benches, lighting and ADA improvements for bus riders
Golf Manor: Improvements along Wiehe Road, including deteriorating pavement, curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, storm drains and replacing ADA curb ramps

For more information regarding the Transit Infrastructure Fund and to learn more about all the approved projects, visit

Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA), providing about 13.5 million rides per year. Learn more about Metro at